Saturday 10 December 2011

My experience in creating a blog

I love to blog.I have been blogging ever since I was Primary 4 so I found it easy and I was not nervous when this activity was given to me. However, it took me a while to get use to the website. Blogging, to me, is a type of an internet journal, where we can write down what we feel and post pictures and videos. Through blogging we can connect with our family,friends and with the world. I am glad that SST has brought blogging into our learning!It makes learning a whole lot better!

How I felt when received the letter....

This picture represents how thrilled I was when I received the letter that confirmed my place in SST. A shooting star is actually a meteoroid.A meteoroid becomes a meteor when it strikes the atmosphere and leaves a bright tail behind it. The bright line that we see in the sky is caused by the ram pressure of the meteoroid.That bright line..... represents the how radiant I was with joy.
This picture was taken from google. Infomation about the shooting star was from